What is Cell Site Analysis?


Location and movement of mobile phones

Cell Site Analysis is a legally accepted process which identifies the location and movement of a mobile phone over a period time.

The Cell Site Analysis process cross-references of historic call records (including voice, SMS and multimedia messaging) with readings from the cell site masts that transmit and receive mobile communications signals.

Investigators can review Call Data Records (CDR) from the mobile telecommunications providers and carry out field strength surveys. Surveys are required because of variations in signal strength at particular locations caused by distance from a Cell Site or interference from structures or local topography.

Cell Site Analysis allows forensic investigators to;

  • Identify specific locations in which individual and multiple mobile phones have been used.
  • Track changes in physical location and identifies a timeline of use or non-use.
  • Identify electronic contact between different mobile devices content, time and location-based.

The evidence gathered from the Cell Site Analysis can be further correlated with other outputs from the digital forensics process related to specific content such as computer files or CCTV footage, or to digital metadata.

In the context of an investigation Cell Site Analysis can:

  • Test the validity of alibis.
  • Show proximity to a crime scene.
  • Determine if individuals in a case have been in contact or proximity.
  • Identify patterns of movement by suspects and victims.

Disklabs provides Cell Site Analysis services to criminal defence solicitors, law enforcement agencies and corporations. We have the expert forensic capability to extract and analyse data and the communications skills to create easy-to-follow reports.

Visit our website for further details on Disklabs Cell Site Analysis capability, as well as our wider set of digital forensics services or, get in contact. Call us today on +44(0)1827 50000 or use our contact form to let us know your requirements.